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This paper provides the first systematic look into the existing research on performance management (PM) practices employed in lean manufacturing organisations (LMOs). It adopts a systematic review method to examine the evidence generated in the period 2004 – 2015 and uses a comprehensive PM framework to synthesise the findings. The results suggest that PM practices that have the most prominent role in LMOs are those that, firstly, are located closest to front-line actions and, secondly, explicitly address operational realities. This calls into question the primacy of accounting-driven controls in LMOs, suggesting that operational controls may be more effective than top-down accounting-based PM practices. The results also confirm the bias towards operational-level issues but suggest that LMOs may integrate the operational and the strategic levels by using PM practices that drive organisational learning through employee involvement and engagement.  相似文献   
制造业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,但也是环境污染物排放的主要来源、能源消耗主体和温室气体排放大户。制造系统高能耗、高物耗、高碳排放的加工过程是造成制造业碳排放量大的重要原因。生产单元作为制造系统的加工的主体,其碳排放量的核算是确定整个制造系统乃至制造业碳排放总量的关键。本文首先对生产单元的原材料、电能、辅助物料及废屑处理所引起的碳排放进行分析,确定生产单元的碳排放源;其次,产品合格率的不同会造成生产单元输入及输出的成品/半成品数量的差异,进而影响生产单元单位产品的碳排放量,在此基础上,综合考虑了原材料、电能、辅助物料及废屑处理的碳排放情况,构建了给定工艺流程下生产单元碳排放核算模型。最后,结合一汽车排气装置加工实例,分别核算加工过程中九个生产单元的碳排放量,验证了模型的可行性。  相似文献   
《共产党宣言》蕴含着深刻的生态思想,其体系以人、社会、自然整体为背景,其核心观点认为生态问题是由资本主义生产方式引起的.马克思在唯物史观视野下,科学论证了资产阶级的所有制必然灭亡、共产主义必然实现的历史发展逻辑,廓清了人与人、人与自然之间双重和解的演化路径.其中关于科技提升、市场拓展、交通和通信发展等引起世界市场“生态扩张”的思想,对全球化程度日益加深境况下“生态文明”和“人类命运共同体”的构建具有重大的理论和实践指导价值.  相似文献   
Beginning in the 1980s, and continuing for over three decades since, a particular generation of Tibetans from the Northeastern Tibetan region known as Amdo, and particularly from the northern parts of China’s Qinghai province, has proven extremely productive. Why has this generation, born primarily between 1959 and 1967, been so incredibly successful? This article examines the contextual factors that may have contributed to the incredible success of this generation. This ranges from the policies and circumstances that affected their births, and the state of the cultural field at the time they reached adulthood. Personal experience narratives, autobiographies, and scholarly studies then reveal how this generation was able to access the intellectual field. Finally, I briefly discuss how the Amdo Tibetan intellectual field compares with other Tibetan and ethnic experiences in the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   
《Sociological Forum》2018,33(2):422-442
There are various schools of thought regarding the relationship between the environment and economy. Ecological modernization argues that the harmful effects of economic growth and development on the environment decline through time, whereas the treadmill of production and ecologically unequal exchange postulate different perspectives. This study relies on World Bank and World Resources Institute data for the period of 1965–2010. Time‐series cross‐sectional Prais‐Winsten (PW) regression models with panel‐corrected standard errors (PCSE) are employed to examine whether economic growth and trade openness intensified or decoupled in relation to three measures of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during this period. The findings of this study indicate that there has been a “tilt” in the treadmill of production—that is, the most environmentally degrading production processes have moved to less developed countries. Furthermore, integration into the world economy has been associated with an intensification in CO2 emissions for less developed countries. Surprisingly, however, this phenomenon does not seem to be driven by exports sent to high‐income nations, suggesting that there are mechanisms embodied within the global organization of production that require further exploration.  相似文献   
符码化和景观生产是东北乡村喜剧节目呈现出的一种伪现实主义特点。伪现实主义是在现实主义的参照下,当下中国学术界新提出的一种理论观点。信息化时代,媒介突起是伪现实主义出现的背景,主要表征在影视节目文本的创作和艺术特点等方面。东北乡村喜剧是近年来最为流行的节目之一。在电视、网络等电子媒介的助推下,东北乡村喜剧首先建构出迎合受众感官和心理体验方面的“伪现实”情境;表面上打着追求“快乐”的幌子,实质上是在对东北方言进行编码;祛除历史蕴涵,错置文化语境,刻意强化、突出俚俗特点是编码的主要形式。成功编码的东北方言成为一种具有“召唤”功能的景观,观众沉浸在“傻乐”景观中,丧失了思考自身真实生活处境的能力,变成了单向度的人。  相似文献   
张士引 《北方论丛》2015,(5):141-147
贫困表现为人的基本需要得不到满足,“富裕社会”中的贫困表现为私人生产、物质生产的过剩和公共生产、精神生产的不足。加尔布雷思认为,美国“富裕社会”中贫困的原因是不平衡的“二元经济体系”,只要实行“新社会主义”,实现“计划体系”和“市场体系”的平衡,就能解决“富裕”背后的贫困问题。由于这一设想是以不改变资本主义的经济基础为前提的,所以,只能是一种治标不治本的改良。只有扬弃经济学的“传统智慧”,建构以促进“每个人的自由发展”为目标的“全面生产”经济学,才能从根本上消除“富裕社会”中的贫困问题。  相似文献   
笼统地把文艺视为意识形态,或认为文艺是与意识形态相适应的社会意识形式,具意识形态性,都把文艺泛意识形态化。这些观点既不符合马克思《政治经济学批判序言》的原意,也不符合中外文学史的实际。马克思在《序言》中明确把文艺视为一定基础上的社会意识形式,其中部分属于意识形态文艺。文学史上存在着大量的非意识形态文艺和带意识形态性文艺。马克思关于意识形态和自由的精神生产区别的观点,说明应使意识形态文艺和自由生产的文艺并行不悖的发展。  相似文献   
Despite the extensive literature suggesting that culture plays a key role in lean implementations, no previous review has focused on the topic. This study is a systematic review of the literature that synthesises over two decades of publications according to the levels of national culture (NC) and organisational culture (OC) and maps which cultural dimensions foster or hinder lean implementation. In terms of NC, this study shows that Japanese cultural traits might hinder lean, such as masculinity and power distance, hence avoiding the over simplification that lean is a country-specific management approach. In terms of OC, the literature review unveils a lack of consensus and underlines two paradoxes, namely the co-existence of both process and result-focused orientations and both normative and pragmatic approaches. This review ultimately offers a relevant agenda for lean research as well as a guide for managers who face the challenge of implementing and sustaining lean in their organisations.  相似文献   
土地流转是实现规模化经营的前提之一,然而土地流转中却出现大量小农复制,从而影响土地流转的质量和效果。运用12省(自治区)2 553份农户问卷,详细分析土地流转中小农复制的现状及其形成原因。研究发现:(1)农户流转耕地面积不大,转入户流转面积20亩及以下的约占总转入户数的60.3%,转出户流转面积5亩及以下的约占总转出户数的74.38%,转出户中仍然经营土地的约占总转出户数的74%。(2)农业分工发达使生产更加方便、文化传统形成路径依赖、禀赋效应产生“价值幻觉”以及公共服务不健全使未来存在不确定性导致转出户流转部分土地。乡土社会限制土地流转范围和经营风险增加风险感知导致转入户流转小规模土地。  相似文献   
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